Kratko predstavljanje ARHKIDS projekta na Godišnjem skupu Hrvatskog arheološkog društva
Godišnji skup Europskog društva arheologa, Kiel, 6-11.9.2021.
Ložnjak Dizdar, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Childhood in protohistory in the southern Carpathian Basin: examples from the Urnfield period
Godišnji skup Društva za proučavanje djetinjstva u prošlosti, 'The Mother-Infant Nexus in the Past'.
Otago, New Zealand, 25th - 28th October 2021
Ložnjak Dizdar, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Mother and Infant Connections in Protohistoric Double Burials in Southern Carpathian Basin